This was not your traditional wedding. Although there was the smashing of the glass, there was no wedding cake but homemade pies brought by all the relatives. There was no reception line or the wedding parties table. This wedding was about being together and doing the wedding the way that Kerry and Avi wanted it simple., which included the cerimonial burning of the special seating list. The wedding took place in the Eastern Townships. We rented a house for a week which was the time to do all the assembly for the wedding. Everyone in the family pitched in making the wedding a true family event. My brother in law, made all the candelabras for the inside of the tent in one weekend. All the family and friends helped in making the flower arrangements, making decorations such as Mason Jar tea light holders for the outdoors. Scarecrows were made by our friend Cindy. All the dogs in the family had their place too, including Fudd who was part of the wedding party. A memorable time was had by all.